The following tutorial videos will guide you through the reporting process using the AER WebTool. For regular AER facilities, please see the videos under Standard Emissions Reporting. For facilities that qualify for abbreviated reports such as those subject to CTR, please see the videos under Abbreviated Emissions Reporting. Additional reporting features required for Core CTR facilities are demonstrated in the Core CTR videos.
The tutorial videos showcase reporting for an emergency generator for demonstration purposes. For detailed tutorials on reporting other equipment, refer to the guideline documents on the AER Webpage.
Standard Emissions Reporting
Intro to AER
Import Last Year, Facility Info, and Status Update
Combustion Fuels, Emissions Sources, Processes, and Data Validation
Fee and Emissions Summary Pages
AER Certification and Submission
Submitting Emissions Fee Payments
Abbreviated Emissions Reporting
Intro to AER
After you Log In
Combustion Fuels
Emission Sources, Processes, and Data Validation
Fees and Emissions Summary Pages
AER Certification and Submissions
Submitting Emissions Fee Payments
CTR Core Facilities
Adding Release Locations
Reporting the Use of CTR Additional Toxic Substances
Reporting Emissions from Portable Equipment and CARB's Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP)
Auto Body Reporting DY2024
Auto Body Reporting Walkthrough English
Tutorial para Reportar Carrocerias en Espanol