CEQA Guidelines §15126.4(a) requires lead agencies to consider feasible mitigation measures to avoid or substantially reduce a project's significant environmental impacts.
Pursuant to the SCAQMD Governing Board's Clean Port Initiative (January 6, 2005), SCAQMD staff was directed to make full use of the CEQA process to ensure that impacts from proposed projects are mitigated to the maximum extent feasible. In response to the Governing Board's directive, comprehensive tables of mitigation measures are being compiled to assist the CEQA practitioner in reducing emissions from a wide range of proposed projects.
Tables identifying mitigation measures include those for off-road engines, on-road engines, harbor craft, ocean going vessels, locomotives and fugitive dust. Emissions from these sources can be mitigated using a variety of different technologies including, but not limited to, the following: repowering old engines; installing emission control technologies such as diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters, or selective catalytic reduction; and using alternative technologies such as electrification, clean fuels, or water/fuel emulsions.
Mitigation measures and associated control efficiencies for off-road engines, on-road engines, harbor craft, ocean going vessels, locomotives and fugitive dust have been compiled, and can be viewed by clicking the respective links below.
Mitigation measures for ground support equipment are also being tabulated. The mitigation measure tables are considered "living documents" intended to be updated as necessary.