
Air Quality Analysis Handbook

South Coast AQMD is in the process of developing an "Air Quality Analysis Guidance Handbook" (Handbook) to replace the CEQA Air Quality Handbook approved by the South Coast AQMD Governing Board in 1993.  The 1993 CEQA Air Quality Handbook is still available but not online. To obtain a hardcopy of the 1993 Handbook, contact South Coast AQMD's Subscription Services at (909) 396-3720. In addition, there are sections of the 1993 Handbook that are obsolete. A description of the obsolete sections can be obtained from CEQA Air Quality Handbook.

In order to assist the CEQA practitioner in conducting an air quality analysis while the new Handbook is being prepared, the following supplemental information is available:

Air Quality Significance Thresholds and Analysis

Emission Factors

Cumulative Impacts Emission Analysis

Future CO Concentrations

The following documents provide CO emissions and projected future concentrations in order to assist the CEQA practitioner with a CO Hotspots Analysis.

Air Toxics Analysis

Air Quality Guidance for General Plans, Local Planning, and School Siting

High Cube Warehouse Trip Rate Study for Air Quality Analysis

Mitigation Measures

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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